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Dispensations of Conscience and Human Government

From the fall to the flood, this was a dispensation of conscience (Genesis 4:6,7,13). God is the state and man has direct confrontation with God (Genesis 4:1-26; 5:1-32; 6:1-8). After the flood until the Tower of Babel, there was a dispensation of human government. This was a perpetual covenant (Genesis 8:21,22; 9:1-17)

Mankind (The sons of Adam – the nations to be) are dealt with as a whole. Two sets of circumstances make up the things of these periods (Genesis 4-8; 9:1-9). These tragic stories display two chances for the human family, and both end in judgement. One was the flood; “and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).

The other was the Tower of Babel. “Let us make us a name” (Genesis 11:4). This is a monument to humanity’s open defiance of God. “Therefore is the name of it called Babel” (meaning confusion) (Genesis 11:9). Thus, like Satan, and Adam and Eve, mankind considered as a whole could not consist aport from Christ.

A new Tower of Babel? Here are two audio lessons from the Oct 2000 archives that studies the modern day acceptance of ancient Babel philosophy.

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