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The Family

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The Family

From the Tower of Babel to the calling of Abram to become Abraham (the first Jew)… From Abraham to Egypt, Egypt to the Exodus, Exodus to the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai, from Sinai through the end of the Old Testatment. The Patriarchal Dispensation (Genesis 12:1-3; 25:11; 27:4; 28:13-15; 48:21; 49:1-33) and The Dispensation of Law (Exodus 19 & 20; Galatians 3:19,24,25). The Ten Commandments given (Exodus 24:16).

The chosen nation Israel is called and blessed (from Genesis 11:31 thru the book of Malachi). The defiance of mankind at the Tower of Babel brings into play a new administration of God. The beginning is with one man “Abraham”. “I will make of thee a great nation” (Genesis 12:2). From his loins the new nation, a chosen nation (Israel) is born, placed in a country which was as another Garden of God, and at the same time blessed with national blessings such as no nation ever enjoyed before or since then. Needless to say, the balance of the Old Testament is given over to these two dispensations.

When you follow the history of the Jewish nation, with it’s many rebellions and outright stiff-neckedness, the expressions of “Ichabod” – the glory has passed (1 Samuel 4:21) and “Cursed” (Zachariah 8:13) describe their unbelief to a tee. They forsook the covenant of the Lord. They failed to become a channel of blessing to the nations; they threw down the alters of God, and slew God’s prophets with the sword (1 Kings 19:10; Zechariah 8:13, etc). Thus the chosen nation (Israel) could not stand (consist) apart from Christ, although placed in a position as favorable (nationally) as mankind had been in Adam (individually). Ichabod – This of course brings us to the conclusion of the Old Testament (historically).

Moses was born on 1571 BC. The Exodus was in the year 1491 BC, 430 years from Genesis 12:4, and 400 years from Genesis 21:10. The anointing of King Saul was in 1000 BC (the Kingdom begins). The second anointing was with King David in 960 BC. King Solomon began his reign in 920 BC. The Temple began to be built in 917 BC and finished in 910 BC (compare Acts 13:20-23).

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