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November 2, 2008

Has God Abandoned America? – Part 1

Has God Abandoned America? – Part 1. Has God Abandoned America?In Deuteronomy 8:11-20, we read of a warning given to the nation of Israel regarding their mindset towards the Lord when things are good. If they forget that the blessing they received were from God, they will be turned away by God. As stated in […]


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November 9, 2008

Has God Abandoned America? – Part 2

The elections in the United States are over and it may seem that America has voted in people that are in need of prayer. As it says in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, we are to pray for those that are in authority which was deemed a good thing to do: “ I exhort therefore, that, first […]


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November 16, 2008

Has God Abandoned America? – Part 3

Has God Abandoned America? – Part 3. God Abandoned America?This is the 3rd lesson that answers the question: Has God abandoned America? It was given on November 19th and looks at the scripture reading of Acts 20-28-31 which covers the topic of grievous wolves and those entering in who speak of perverse things to try […]


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November 23, 2008

Has God Abandoned America? – Part 4

The lesson on November 23, 2008 was the fourth lesson looking at the question: Has God Abandoned America? and we have learned that America has fallen a long way down this slippery slope since the U.S. has abandoned God in may aspects of the nation. God sets up Nations. We learn in Job 9:24 that […]