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February 7, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 1

On February 3, 2013 Wayne Stewart started a study called “The ABC’s of Right Division” and this was part 1 of the series.  This lesson answers the question: What is the biggest division in scripture? The scripture reading was in 2 Timothy 2:14-19 KJV “14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before […]



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February 10, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 2

The lesson on February 10, 2013 was part 2 of the study “ABC’s of Right Division” and looked at the subject of hope.  What is your hope? In the previous lesson, the biggest division was studied in the Bible.  This lesson looks at your hope and we learn that hope relys on promises.  Further, we […]



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February 17, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 3

The lesson on February 17, 2013 was part 3 of the study “ABC’s of Right Division”.  The third lesson answers the question “Where is the boundary?” This boundary is when the change occurs between the calling of Israel and the calling to the Gentiles.  The scripture reading was from Isaiah 6:9-13 KJV “9 And he […]



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February 24, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 4

The lesson on February 24, 2013 was part 4 of the study “ABC’s of Right Division” and continued the approach of answering an important question. The question that is answered in this lesson is: What is Paul’s two-fold ministry?  The scripture reading was from Acts 26:13-18 KJV “13 At midday, O king, I saw in […]



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March 3, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 5

The lesson on March 3, 2013 was part 5 of the study “ABC’s of Right Division” and continued the teaching into the basics of an Acts 28 dispensational viewpoint which comes from the right division of scripture. The real purpose of this study is to view the body of truth that was revealed to the […]



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March 10, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 6

The lesson on March 10, 2013 was part 6 of the study “ABC’s of Right Division” and continued to answer the question posed from part 5, “Are there signs and wonders that take place today?”  The scripture reading was from John 7:37-40 KJV “37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus […]



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March 17, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 7

The lesson on March 17, 2013 was part 7 of the study “The ABC’s of Right Division” and continued by posing a question that is answered from the lesson presented.  This time the question was: “If this is true, why doesn’t all of Christianity see it? (The Mystery through the right division of Acts 28:28, […]



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March 24, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 8

The lesson on March 24, 2013 was part 8 of the “ABC’s of Right Division” study.   This study intends to bring the new student to understand the basics of the Acts 28 position and proceeded to answer some basic questions by approaching scripture in this way.  The “fulness” of Christ is discussed and explained […]



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April 7, 2013

ABC’s of Right Division – Part 9

The lesson on April 7, 2013 was part 9 of the “ABC’s of Right Division” study.  With this lesson, we are taught how Paul’s conversion out of due time, was in a way miraculous because while he was so focused on persecuting the church, Christ came to him on the road to Damascus and converted […]



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April 14, 2013

The ABC’s of Right Division – Part 10

The lesson on April 14, 2013 was part 10 of the study “ABC’s of Right Division” and completes the study.  This last lesson looks at prayer and teaches us how to understand prayer in the post-Acts age in which we live.   The scripture reading was in Matthew 18:21-35 KJV “21 Then came Peter to him, […]