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Derek McCammon's avatar
February 8, 2009

A good week is a Godly week. A week where you put your trust in Him and focus on what He wants you to do. God has a plan for you and you need to focus on what His purposes are. The challenge in life is to keep the perspective of your walk with God in good times and bad. When we loose that perspective, we loose the peace of God. The peace of God is like brownies. Brownies don’t just come… you have to have a recipe, gather the ingredients, mix them up properly, bake them in the oven, then pull them out at the right time, but then you have to have patience because they need to cool off before you can eat them. We could do a devotional study of scripture like that every week. You can approach the scriptures from three ways: 1) We could do a “sermon-ette”, which is a devotional kind of approach to scripture, 2) We could challenge scripture going at it from a verse by verse exegetical way with the kingdom in mind, or 3) We can approach the bible in a verse by verse study with a rightly divided perspective. In the Romans study, Paul is dealing with the Jew and he has this problem because the Jew thinks he is always right because they have received the law and has been set aside by God. Paul takes the Jew back to Abraham and then back to Adam to try to get the Jew to understand all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Every single one of us are sinners now matter who you are , Gentile or Jew… the Hebrew is not excluded. We need righteousness and that is what comes with Christ. Paul is dealing with two groups of believers in Rome and trying to get them to adjust to each other, Jew and Gentile, and then he is trying to adjust both of those groups to the gospel. The good news is the revelation of the grace of God without the law. The lesson on February 8, 2009 finishes chapter 3 of Romans.



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From the Study: Romans Study