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Derek McCammon's avatar
October 19, 2008

Receive and Believe. Some might say that Pilate asked the most important question in the Bible as told in John 18:38 when he said “ What is truth?” Perhaps that is the most important question but when you consider what the rich young ruler asked Jesus in Matthew 19:16 “And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” This seems to be the most important question because it says what must I do to inherit eternal life. Jesus answered his question and the man said that he had done all that Jesus has said from his youth. Jesus said there was one more thing, which when he told the rich young ruler what it was, he went away sad. His response was typical of what mankind does today. We are presented Christ and the way to have eternal life with him but people put off the repentance of their sins and walk with Christ. The lesson on October 19, 2008 is one of the most important lessons you can listen to because it reminds us that as Christians, we are supposed to be a light in the world and share Christ with the scriptures.



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