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Derek McCammon's avatar
December 1, 2002

The Last Season. Since the terrorist attack on September 11th in America, most Christians are claiming that we are in the Last Days. However students of scripture should pause and ask “which last days are we in?” There are several “Last Days” in scripture and it’s important to understand which one you’re talking about. It’s true that the things that have been happening over the last 50 years make us think it’s the last “season”. The last days that Paul identifies in 2 Tim 3:1-2 are those that conclude this dispensation and the Day of Man. The Last Days that are discussed in the Old Testament begin with the return of Elijah. Paul does discuss attributes of the latter times (2 Tim 4:10) which precede the last days and consist of men who are immoral and religious. These are people who practice psychology and are filled with love for themselves. The lesson on 12-01-2002 reviews the differences between the multiple “last days” in scripture. It also covers the attributes of the people that are identified in the latter times. Click here to listen now.



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