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Derek McCammon's avatar
November 10, 2002

Shun Vain and Profane Babblings. Paul takes the time to tell christians what how their walk should demonstrate godliness.. With this wisdom, we find one of the guidelines involves avoiding pofanity and things that are sacriligous and offensive to God. This specifically includes profane people because they lead to ungodliness. God knows that it doesn’t take much to corrupt those that are good. We’re not instructed to keep bad company because ungodly people lead to profane behavior usually because profane people keep bad company. The old saying is “one rotten apple spoils the whole bunch”. No wonder God says to shun profane people. As christians, we need to keep company with those people that encourage christian behavior. Profane people cause good people to error, particularly those that practice evil and worldly ways.. Christians need to use the scripture to serve as a guide towards good behavior. The word of God also is what helps identify vain babblings. Topics like evolution often signify empty philosophy. There are several examples of profane people in scripture. For instance, how about Esau who sold his birthright for a morsel of food.(Hebrews 12:16)? The lesson on 11-10-2002 teaches about vain and profane people. Click here to listen now.



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