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Derek McCammon's avatar
September 15, 2002

Dispensations – Part 1. Understanding dispensational differences is like chewing on a big piece of steak. It’s not for the baby in scripture. 2 Timothy 2:15 encourages study so you can be approved unto God with accurate handling of scripture. By comparing scripture with scripture, you start to learn of the different dispensations in scripture. Dispensations refer to the subdivision of the ages and the revealed will of God that is made known in each age. It also involves individuals who have been given the duties of administration for that time frame. Right Division is the key to understanding all of scripture because it keeps the differences between the dispensations in their context. For example, Matthew 10:5-6 identifies a commandment for the 12 disciples to go NOT unto the Gentiles. Yet, in Matthew 28:19 the commandment is to go to all nations thereby showing that something had changed. Further, Luke 9:1-6 instructs the disciples to take nothing with them, yet in Luke 22:35-36 (KJV) the Lord changes the rules “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” The internal clues when reading scripture are passages like the “But now” which is the dividing line signifying a change. There are many dividing lines in scripture and it’s up to you to study and sort them out to be approved unto God. The lesson on 09-15-2002 starts to identify seven dispensations in the Bible and covers the first two: 1) Eden, 2) After the Fall, 3) The Law, 4) Post Acts – The Mystery, 5) Judgment, 6) The Millennium, and 7) Eternity.



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From the Study: Dispensations