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Derek McCammon's avatar
September 29, 2002

Dispensations – Part 3. 2 Timothy 2:15 is the verse that acts as the key to understanding all of scripture. In this verse, we learn of “rightly dividing the word of truth”. Right Division means to cut up scripture and partition it with the appropriate administration of God. It doesn’t mean to cut scripture out as we learn from 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is profitable”. The key is to read and study scripture so you can keep scripture in it’s context. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that God speaks in different times, in various ways, through different messengers, and with specific messages. The lesson on 09-29-2002 continues the study of seven dispensations and predominantly covers the third dispensation which is The Law given to Israel. This period covers the majority of scripture as it runs from Abraham, through Moses at Mount Sinai until Acts 28:28. In this dispensation, God deals with mankind only through Israel under the Law. This lesson also covers many passages in scripture that involve a “gap” in time. These gaps are often represented with a simple “comma” which seperates what was fulfilled and realized at that time, vs. what has yet to be fulfilled or was fulfilled sometime later. The same is often true for “but now” which differentiates what went before, and has now changed. For example, 1 Peter 4:12 was written by Peter almost 2000 years ago and speeks of a firey trial that they thought was immediate. In reality, there was a huge time period before this was to be fulfilled when Revelation takes place. The lesson provides several other examples of “gaps” for your learning. Click here to listen now and continue your series on Dispensations. This lesson also includes a reminder that September 29th is the real birthday of Christ Jesus (click here to learn more about the Real Christmas Story).



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From the Study: Dispensations