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Be Strong in the Grace. 2nd Timothy is the last book that Paul wrote of the 14 he contributed to the New Testament. Not only is it the last book, but it contains the last charge to Timothy and us. Since the close of 2nd Timothy, God has been silent and no more has been given. Are you ever challenged to live the Christian life? Paul has given us in 2nd Timothy the recipe for living the proper Christian life . Satan is constantly at war with God and he continues to try and make us casualties of the war. Yet God gives us a challenge to be strong in the grace that has been given. Can you be weak in grace? What is the definition of Grace? Unmerited favor? A gift? GRACE could be an acronym to mean God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. In order to understand whether or not you’re strong or weak in grace, you must first understand what it is. A good definition of “Grace” is undeserved acceptance and love received from another. Romans is a book that helps to explain grace by learning that everyone has come short of the glory of God. Not one person is worthy as we read that their is none righteous. The adamic nature seperates us from the love of God yet God demonstrated His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, He loved us and died on an cross for us. We are unworthy of His glory yet the free gift came upon all men in Christ Jesus. The other compliment to Grace is Mercy. Mercy is not getting what you do deserve. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve. Weakness in the grace is demonstrated by our inability to overcome the problems we experience in the flesh. Strength in grace is demonstrated by applying the word of God in our lives instead of the wisdom of men. The lesson on 08-18-2002 studies Grace and Mercy and helps you to endure hardness and understand how to be strong in the grace this is in Christ Jesus. Click here to listen now.



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