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Derek McCammon's avatar
November 25, 2001

The Four Days in Scripture. The lesson on 11-25-2001 provides one more recap of the study series on the “Last Days” with an emphasis on clarifying the differences between the “Day of Christ” and the “Day of the Lord”. There are four pre-emminent “Days” in scripture. Presently we live in the “Day of Man” which is ends when Elijah returns and ushers in the “Day of Christ” which precedes the “Day of the Lord” (to review the four days in scripture, click here). The length of the “Day of Christ” is the time that leads up to the Day of the Lord. The final “day” in scripture is the “Day of God”. Today, the members of the Body of Christ operate under the “Day of Man” and are called to perform good works that God has begun in each one of us. As Philippians 1:6 (KJV) states “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” These good works are to be performed until the “Day of Christ” when Elijah returns to restore Israel. This lesson is Part 6 of as series on the “Last Days” in scripture.



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From the Study: The “Last Days”