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Right Division – Part 3. Foundation of the World – Before vs. From or Since. Another example of Right Division can be seen when studying the words “Foundation + world”. If you search the scriptures to find the references containing “before + foundation” vs. “from or since + foundation” you will find another glaring example of comparing scripture with scripture to reveal a truth that has a before and after. “Before the foundation of the world” is where we find Christ who is the source of the believer’s eternal position (1 Tim 2:5). Christ was there securing the way of salvation with his blood (1 Pet 1:18-20; John 17:24). It is now revealed that we were chosen in Him at that time. WOW! Everything since or from the foundation of the world pertains to Israel and their calling. Today, we have a separate calling and inheritance that was hidden in God before the foundation of the world. This body of truth Paul calls “The Mystery” was given to be revealed after the close of Acts and is what is being brought to our attention in the “but now” in Col. 1:25-26 and “before the foundation of the world” in Eph 1:3-14. So, in the words of Miles Coverdale, “It shall greatly help you to understand Scripture, if you mark not only what is spoken, or written, but of whom, and to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstance, considering what goes before, and what follows”.



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