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The lesson on March 6, 2011 was provided by Leland Maples who spoke on “Redeeming the Time”.  Leland refered to Ephesians 5:16 KJV “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”  First we received an update on the LOOPS Ministry prior to getting into the lesson. If we went back to the beginning of time, we find a day is measured by a day and the evening.  The month is measured by the rotation of the sun, as well as the year.  Science can measure time by these elements but God is the only one that can measure a week.  There are so many time savers now a days… so we should have a bunch of free time on our hands, right?  There is a famous saying that says “idle hands are the devil’s workshop”.  The lesson recounts the story of Moses and bringing Israel out of the land of Egypt and getting them into the promised land.  There were many examples of Israel not redeeming the time.



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