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Wayne Stewart's avatar
October 3, 2020

The lesson on October 4, 2020 was part 15 covering the 8th sign of “John’s Gospel” study.  The focus in today’s lesson was on the 8th sign in John’s gospel which corresponds with the first sign.  The structure of John has taken us through seven signs which corresponds to the number of completion and the number 8 reflects the new beginning. John chapter 21 is the second end of this book and it represents a manifestation of himself after the resurrection.  The structure of chapter 21 is the eighth sign in verses 21:1-14, then questions and commands to Peter from verses 21:15-19, then it goes on about Peter, Jesus and John in verses 21:20-24 and finally a summary 21:25.  The book comes to a natural end in John chapter 20 in verses 30-31 but you then get a P.S. in after thought in chapter 21. We spend some time diving into this after thought to understand its importance showing Peter’s denial and reaffirmation of Peter’s state with the forgiveness and fullness in Christ.  The scripture reading was from John 20:26-31 KJV

“26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”

From the Study: John’s Gospel