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The Ends – Part 2

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January 9, 2022
The lesson on January 9, 2022 was part 2 of "The Ends" study.  Comparing a child's perspective to an adults is how Wayne opened up the instruction by comparing a children's book on Dr. Fauci to a book written for...

The Ends – Part 1

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December 19, 2021
The lesson on December 19, 2021 was part 1 of "The Ends" study.  It says in 1 Corinthians 10:11 " Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends...

Prophecy and Mystery – Part 2

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December 12, 2021
The message on December 12, 2021 was the second part of the message on "Prophecy and Mystery".  In this second part, Wayne continues to show there are mysteries associated with prophecy that are related to Israel and the kingdom of...

Prophecy and Mystery

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December 5, 2021
The message on December 5, 2021 was on "Prophecy and Mystery" and explained why pastors are teaching incorrectly since they have not correctly understand the distinction between Prophecy and Mystery.  Their are 27 times the word "mystery and mysteries" appears...

Roman Issues

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November 28, 2021
The message on November 28, 2021 was on Replacement Theology.  Before Wayne got to the main message for this lesson, he spent time on celebrating Thanksgiving by looking at the founding documents of the American separation from Great Britain and...

Bible Inspiration and Preservation – Part 16 final

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November 14, 2021
The lesson on November 14, 2021 was part 16 and the conclusion of the "Bible Inspiration and Preservation" study.  In this final lesson, Wayne takes us back to the beginning and reviewed some of the foundational issues that this study...

About Wayne Stewart

Dr. Wayne Stewart was raised in Auckland New Zealand and studied at the University of Auckland. For a number of years Wayne taught Math and Physics in high schools in New Zealand and the USA. After marrying Sepideh in 1994, he returned with her to the University of Auckland where he studied ancient Greek and statistics. In 2007 he was awarded a PhD in Statistics and then took a job within the department of Statistics (UoA) and remained there till 2012. During the course of his studies he was busy preaching and teaching at the Grace Bible Church located in New Lynn Auckland, NZ. Grace is one of the very few churches in the Southern hemisphere which teaches the scriptures rightly divided. Wayne and family now live in Norman Oklahoma, where they look to the Lord for his leading in their lives.

Other Content by Wayne Stewart