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October 16, 1987

“The Faith” – God’s Gift

"The Faith" - God's Gift " So then, The Faith (cometh) out-of hearing, and the hearing through or by The Word of Christ (God)" Rom. 10:17. The Faith is that body of truth, God-given (revealed), unto the recipient for Faith-Obedience....
January 1, 1987

Chronology (Canon-wise)

Chronology (Canon-wise) True Key - Col. 1:25, 26 False - Col. 2:8 The completed canon of scripture prior to the destruction of Jerusalem - 69-70 A.D. - assures us that the traditional claims, "dating the writings of the Apostle John...
January 8, 1986

The Lord’s Supper Administered

While Matthew xxvi 26-29 and Mark xiv. 22-25 both record the Lord Jesus taking the bread and the cup of the Passover supper and explaining their significance in relation to the New Covenant, yet in neither is it mentioned that...