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January 6, 1986

The New Covenant and The Gentiles

The New Covenant and The Gentiles Up to the present, we have only considered the covenants as they relate to Israel, but that the Gentiles find a place in these covenant blessings is now our special interest. When the Old...
January 5, 1986

The Ministration of the New Covenant

The Ministration of the New Covenant We have noticed that, as a result of the New Covenant having been ratified, Israel were given the opportunity to receive their blessings on the terms of the New Covenant, but because they refused,...
January 4, 1986

Israel Under the New Covenant

Israel Under the New Covenant Although the precious blood of the New Covenant was shed by the Lord Jesus, yet it is obvious that the New Covenant has not yet been established with Israel. The Old Covenant was made on...
January 3, 1986

The New Covenant Necessary

The New Covenant Necessary "For if that first covenant had been faultless, there should no place have been sought for the second; for finding fault with them He said, Behold the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make...
January 1, 1986

The New Covenant Promised

The New Covenant Promised For this is My blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matt. xxvi. 28). In saying "this is," the Lord Jesus explained that the blood He was about...
January 7, 1970

Covenant and The Mystery #7

Covenant and The Mystery #7. From Truth for Today Archives, Aug. 1964-July 1975, by Oscar M. Baker. Seven articles entitled, “Covenant and The Mystery” (From Vol. 22, #9, p..273) Summary and Conclusion It was not possible that Gentile believers could...
January 6, 1970

Covenant and The Mystery #6

Covenant and The Mystery #6. From Truth for Today Archives, Aug. 1964-July 1975, by Oscar M. Baker. Seven articles entitled, “Covenant and The Mystery” (From Vol. 22, #8, p. 269) We have noted in Romans 11 that the Gentile believers...
January 5, 1970

Covenant and The Mystery #5

Covenant and The Mystery #5. From Truth for Today Archives, Aug. 1964-July 1975, by Oscar M. Baker. Seven articles entitled, “Covenant and The Mystery” (From Vol. 22, #7, p. 265) The 11th chapter of Romans deserves a lot more space...
January 4, 1970

Covenant and The Mystery #4

Covenant and The Mystery #4. From Truth for Today Archives, Aug. 1964-July 1975, by Oscar M. Baker. Seven articles entitled, “Covenant and The Mystery” (From Vol. 22, #6, p. 261) Our main ground for this series is the epistle of...