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Clifford McLain's avatar
October 20, 1987

Some Distinctive Truth’s of The Mystery


  1. To complete the Word of God (Col. 1:25, 26).
  2. It exalts the saints, and seats them with Christ in the heavenlies. (Eph. 1:20- 21; 2:6). Hence, “for our conversation is in heaven; (out) from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ; …whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself” (Phil. 3:20- 21).
  3. To share super-abundant riches of His grace, with kindness in the ages to come (Eph. 2:7).
  4. Made complete in Christ, holy and without blame (Eph. 1:4, Col.2:10).
  5. To know the love of God which passes all knowledge and understanding (Eph. 3:19; Phil. 4:7).
  6. Brought into a corporate body under the Headship of Christ, where no person or nation has any advantage, for Christ is all and in all (Eph. 1:22, 23; Eph. 4:15, Col. 3:11).
  7. A showcase to the hierarchy in the heavenlies (Eph. 3:10).
  8. A partaker of all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden in Christ (Col. 2:3).
  9. Initiates of the mystery are assured a perfect maturity (Eph. 4:13; Col. 1:28).
  10. A prize to be attained: the out-resurrection, and a crown of righteousness (Phil. 3:11; II Tim. 4:6-8).
  11. A calling, free and complete, apart from covenant religion: – – no material temple, no priestcraft, no ritual, no ordinances, no shadows. Christ is substance – – all in all – – COMPLETE (Col. 2:3-23, especially verse 14). “Religious things,” that were once counted as gain, now counted as dung (Phil. 3:7-8, 13-14).
  12. Gentile blessing – CHRIST IN YOU – “among the nations” (Col. 1:27, 3:11). Prior to the mystery – the Jew was the channel of blessing (John 4:22). NOW, the Gentile is the channel!
  13. CHOSEN IN CHRIST “before the foundation (overthrow) of the world” (Eph. 1:4).
  14. The man, Christ Jesus, the mediator; The Holy Spirit, the umpire, rules with peace (I Tim. 2:5; Col. 3:15).
  15. The man, Christ Jesus, given the Name above every name (Phil. 2:9-11).
  16. Christ Jesus, the fullness of The Godhead, bodily (Col. 2:9).
  17. The walk that is worthy (Eph. 4:1-7). Hence, the MYSTERY – THE FAITH given for Faith-Obedience concerning the walk.

“Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Col. 2:8).

C. E. McLain 10/20/87.

