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Paul and PAul

The apostle Paul had two ministries, one during the book of Acts and the other after Acts 28. Much confusion in the christian community results from a failure to rightly divide between these two ministries. For the Christian, that is for the person who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as saviour there is no issue more important than to have a clear appreciation of the two-fold ministry of Paul.

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Occupy Till I Come

Be ye followers of me It was the apostle Paul who said: KJV  1 Corinthians 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. TBT  1 Corinthians 11:1 μιμηταί μου γίνεσθε, καθὼς κἀγὼ Χριστοῦ. KJV  1 Corinthians 11:2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and […]

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Mid Acts Cowboys

Introduction There are some who would like to tell us that the church of whom Christ is head began in the middle of the book of Acts. This is done by appealing to various assumptions – some will argue that the gospel is the mystery and then show that “the gospel” was preached by Paul […]

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Mid Acts and the Slippery Slope

Mid Acts and Jail (1 Corinthians an example) Those who fail to discern the Acts 28 boundary and start the un-evolved, created Church in mid Acts are destined to fight the Acts context while attempting to harmonize the ordinances (traditions) then present with the age in which we live where none of these signs, wonders […]

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Barna’s Report

The Barna Research Company just released the results of an ongoing study regarding American attendance to the Christian church.  Please remember that their definition of the “Christian church”  includes many non Christians by Bible standards.  Barna’s Christian church includes Catholics, Protestants and other religions. Barna’s research revealed that 156 million U.S. residents are not engaged […]

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Christmas 2014

Christmas is here again.!  I love this time of year and…yes…I am familiar with all of the problems, both real and imagined.  There is the commercialism, the falsehoods presented for facts and the multitudes who pay no attention to Christ’s birth. No, I do not believe that the tree in Jeremiah 10:1-5 is the Christmas […]

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Burst Bottles of Mid-Acts

The Wife, the Bride and the Body (συσσωμα) Salvation is by grace but where do we realize our salvation, with what company and in what part of the Christ’s realm? God’s kingdom is vast and we can expect that God would have many companies of people to rule and take part in His administration. It […]

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Evolved or Created?

MID-ACTS and THEISTIC EVOLUTION The mid-acts position starts the church (of whom Christ is head) in the book of Acts. This has many consequences, including the playing of doctrinal catch up on many manifestly clear observations about the church that all with open eyes can see. For example the church today has no signed gifts, […]

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Guests of the FOLD or Members of the Created NEW MAN

I believe BUT … There are many believers in the Lord who have responded to His call as found in the gospel concerning His atoning sacrifice. You will notice that this gospel is firmly rooted in the OT scriptures and has been eloquently expressed by Paul in 1 Cor 15 which is repeated below: 1 ¶  (AV) Moreover, […]

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The Lord’s Supper and Death

Evidence of the pentecostal age that is PAST! The context of the Acts period is very much seen in the institution and maintenance of the Lord’s supper as revealed by Paul in 1 Corinthians. Mid-Acts believers beware, taking Israel’s spiritual food could be dangerous! For more detail on the Lord’s supper and mid acts see […]

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