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Father’s Day. A non-traditional Father’s Day message is in store for those who listen to the lesson on June 15, 2003. Traditional lessons would focus on the horizontal relationship fathers have or the duties they should be doing. God has given everyone the desire to succeed but work is not to become the idol of your life. It will never give you the true meaning of life. You can go through all the experiences in life and it will never give you any meaning. Solomon tells us that the things and experiences in life that people pursue is all vanity. If we measure success by the things we do vs who we are then we are filled with vanity. Human nature is never satisfied no matter how much you have. Materialism will never do it. If you’ve spent your health to get your wealth, you’ll end up spending your wealth to get your health back. Materialsm is really not about money and wealth, but a condition of the heart. Poverty risks the body but prosperity risks the soul. No matter what you do, it should be done in the eyes of the Lord. Success is borne out of a personal relationship with Christ. This is what really matters. The old nature is what we wrestle with and God will chasten those whom He loves. As Proverbs 3:11-12 (KJV) says “My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” As children of God, we need to be responsive to the correction of God. The lesson on Father’s Day is a lsseon that’s good for everyone to hear.



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