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The lesson on April 26, 2020 was part 52 of the “Genesis” study.  In this lesson, Wayne focuses on Abram who became Abraham and was told he would be a blessing to the nations.  We saw in Genesis that the nations just received judgement from their efforts with the Tower of Babel and in that judgement God had created the nations with different languages.  Now that these nations are reprobate, God calls Abraham to be the blessing for them by creating Israel, the one nation that is favored by God.  Later, we learn how the Apostle Paul explains to the Gentiles during the Acts period that they receive salvation through faith and will receive Israel’s inheritance as heirs with faithful Abraham.  Paul during the Acts was sent to the Gentiles but he always held the Jew first, and then preached to the Gentiles to explain how they may receive salvation through faith.  It wasn’t until after the Acts period that PAul received a new revelation called The Mystery that was hidden in God before the foundation of the world.  This weeks lesson laid the framework for our next lesson which will focus and PAul and Abraham.  The scripture reading was from Galatians 3:8 KJV

“8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.”




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From the Study: Genesis Study