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Derek McCammon's avatar
November 23, 2008

The lesson on November 23, 2008 was the fourth lesson looking at the question: Has God Abandoned America? and we have learned that America has fallen a long way down this slippery slope since the U.S. has abandoned God in may aspects of the nation. God sets up Nations. We learn in Job 9:24 that “The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not , where, and who is he?” In America, man has taken a position that is contrary to the nature and the attributes of God. He began to deny God in the school house, he is denying Him in the court house, he is denying Him on Main street, and eventually man will deny God completely. This is a terrible place to be because there will be nothing but God’s wrath left for man. The 4 R’s speak of the cycle man must take to get back right with God: R – stands for man’s Rebellion against God , R – stands for God’s Retribution. When man responds correctly to retribution, the next R stands for Repentance. When proper repentance is given, then the last R stands for Restoration. You can’t have it the other way around… Restoration doesn’t come before Repentance and proper repentance comes from God adding pressure in our lives as we learned in Hebrews 12:5-11. We learn of the path that America needs to take in Psalms 80:1-19 where it says in verse 19 “Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.”



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From the Study: Has God Abandoned America?