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His way, and not my way . Paul gives us an example of how we should live our lives in Philippians. Remember, we’ve been given the ultimate weapon with the Mind of Christ to overcome every attack of the mind that Satan brings. If you’re standing on the Lord’s side, there is a battle going on with Satan to move you off track. Further, the old nature you have in the flesh is constantly at battle with the new nature. The comfort and joy we are to experience as believers comes from putting our trust in Christ. Trust in the Lord with all things by having your mind constantly in tune with His. This is how we can always rejoice as Christians. When we start to trust in our own flesh, we fail. Putting confidence in man usually leads to pride and ultimately leads us to fall. Paul expounded how if anyone could trust in the flesh, he was it. Yet Paul counted all his credentials lost for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. God’s not looking for you us to do something externally… He’s already done it. What God wants us to have is an internal change of heart when we come to Him. It’s then that the inward trust in God will manifest itself with external fruit that glorifies God. “Moral Duty” comes out of the heart with inward worship while “Ceremonial Duty” is what is seen with external show. God never accepts the Ceremonial Duty without the Moral Duty. Since God looks upon the heart, Ceremonial show without Moral Duty is just like the offering Cain presented to God. The lesson on 03-10-2002 encourages us to rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh. Click here to listen now.



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