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The Hope of the Church of the One Body – Part 3

The Hope of the Church of the One Body – Part 3
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August 19, 2007
The Hope of the Church of the One Body - Part 3. Most of Christianity today teaches only two spheres of blessings, and the lesson here teaches on the second sphere of blessing which is New Jerusalem. The first sphere...

Be Ready, Be Specific

Be Ready, Be Specific
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August 12, 2007
Be Ready, Be Specific. The lesson on August 12, 2007 started with the scripture in 1 Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you...

The Hope of the Church of the One Body – Part 2

The Hope of the Church of the One Body – Part 2
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August 5, 2007
The Hope of the Church of the One Body - Part 2. The lesson on August 5, 2007 continued the series on the hope of the Church of the One Body. It is the second lesson and comes from a...

The Hope of the Church of the One Body – Part 1

The Hope of the Church of the One Body – Part 1
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July 29, 2007
The Hope of the Church of the One Body - Part 1. The lesson on July 29, 2007 begins a new series that studies our hope in the church today. This series ask the question what is your hope based...

Timothy Study – Part 17 (final in the series)

Timothy Study – Part 17 (final in the series)
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July 22, 2007
Timothy Study - Part 17 (final in the series). The lesson on July 22, 2007 finishes the audio series in Timothy. This is the 17th and final lesson in this series. The last lesson looked at our hope and our...

When Man Does Right in His Own Eyes

When Man Does Right in His Own Eyes
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July 15, 2007
When Man Does Right in His Own Eyes. The lesson on July 15, 2007 was given by Leland Maples of the LOOPS Organization (Loved Ones Of Prisoners). What happens when men decide to do right? There are plenty of scriptures...

Timothy Study – Part 16

Timothy Study – Part 16
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July 8, 2007
Timothy Study - Part 16. The lesson on July 8, 2007 continues with the study in Timothy. Most of 1 Timothy is a pastoral letter because it deals with “how to” but in chapter 6 we’ve come to a dispensational...

Timothy Study – Part 15

Timothy Study – Part 15
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July 2, 2007
Timothy Study - Part 15. The lesson on July 1, 2007 continues the audio series in Timothy and covers Chapter 6:13-21 which comes to the end of the chapter. Derek starts by reviewing all the groups that have been addressed...

Father’s Day 2007

Father’s Day 2007
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June 17, 2007
Father’s Day. The lesson on June 17, 2007 takes a break from the Timothy Series and gives a lesson on Father’s Day. Billy Graham once was quoted as saying “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed,...

Timothy Study – Part 14

Timothy Study – Part 14
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June 10, 2007
Timothy Study - Part 14. The lesson on June 10, 2007 continues the audio series in Timothy and discusses money. Paul is writing Timothy in Ephesus and he’s telling Timothy to let the people know that money isn’t everything. Let’s...