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Approaching The Bible – Part 3

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October 15, 2005
Approaching The Bible - Part 3. “Example: Miracles” -The third lesson in this series looks at a more controversial topic of Miracles and healing. There are may denominations that have adopted the miracles movement and utilize healing, tongues, and miracles....

Approaching the Bible – Part 4

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October 15, 2005
Approaching The Bible - Part 4 “Example: Prayer” - The forth lesson studies the subject of prayer and how it has changed in the time periods covered in the New Testament during the Gospels , the Acts period, and the...

Approaching the Bible – Part 2

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October 14, 2005
Approaching The Bible - Part 2 “Example: The Sabbath” -The second lesson looks at another example with the Sabbath. In the Old Testament, it was important in keeping a day of rest and if not kept, had very severe penalties...

Approaching the Bible – Part 1

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October 13, 2005
Approaching The Bible - Part 1 “Interpreting and Applying, Example: Circumcision” - The first lesson sets some foundational truths to ensure you approach the Bible with the right mindset. It was Miles Coverdale that gave us some words of wisdom...