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All That Are In Authority

All That Are In Authority
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November 7, 2004
The lesson on November 4, 2004 was entitled "All That Are In Authority" and the scripture reading was in 1 Timothy 2:1-5 KJV. "2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made...

Two Natures – Part 4

Two Natures – Part 4
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October 3, 2004
Two Natures - Part 4. The audio lesson on October 3, 2004 continues in the series on Two Natures in the Child of God. Nicodemus asked the Lord in John 3:4-6 (KJV) “...How can a man be born when he...


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September 26, 2004
Emotions. As humans, we deal with emotion every day. There are times perhaps when you would like to get rid of your emotions and lead an easier life. The fact is we cannot get rid of our emotions, we have...

Be Ready to Give An Answer

Be Ready to Give An Answer
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September 19, 2004
Be Ready to Give An Answer. As a Christian, we are told to be ready at any time. 1 Pet 3:15-16 tells us “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to...

God’s Definition of Marriage

God’s Definition of Marriage
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September 12, 2004
God’s Definition of Marriage. The institution of marriage is under attack today by those who would redefine the natural use of a man and woman. What does scripture say on this matter? Plenty. In the beginning, God created Adam and...

The First Labor Day

The First Labor Day
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September 5, 2004
The First Labor Day. September 6, 2004 is the annual Labor Day celebration in America. This day is set aside as a holiday to celebrate the American worker. It’s typically a day filled with joy because everyone is off work...