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Resurrection, Redemption, Reconciliation, and the 7 things Jesus said on the Cross

Resurrection, Redemption, Reconciliation, and the 7 things Jesus said on the Cross
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April 11, 2004
Resurrection, Redemption, Reconciliation, and the 7 things Jesus said on the Cross. April 11, 2004 celebrates the resurrection of Christ Jesus on Easter Sunday. In one week, from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the cries of...

Palm Sunday – Two Entrances Into Jerusalem

Palm Sunday – Two Entrances Into Jerusalem
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April 4, 2004
Palm Sunday - Two Entrances Into Jerusalem. The passage in Matthew 4:12-17 identifies the beginning of the Lords ministry whereas Palm Sunday marks the end of His earthly ministry. The four periods of Jesus’ ministry was in this way: 1)...

The Passion of Christ

The Passion of Christ
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March 28, 2004
According to the scriptures, thirty-six distinct prophecies were fulfilled in one day when Christ was taken prisoner and crucified on the cross. This 24 hour period includes the last twelve hours of Jesus which has been portrayed in the movie...

All Truth – Part 6

All Truth – Part 6
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March 21, 2004
All Truth - Part 6. God has given us the opportunity to understand what His program is today but in Christianity it is often obscured by philosophy and vain deceit, even after tradition or religion. The pursuit of these things...

Counterfeit Christianity

Counterfeit Christianity
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March 14, 2004
Counterfeit Christianity. The Bible warns us of false prophets, false doctrine, and false worship. Another word for false is counterfeit. In lieu of religion and tradition that we have seen can make the word of God of none effect, how...

All Truth – Part 5

All Truth – Part 5
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March 7, 2004
All Truth - Part 5. The lesson on March 7, 2004 continues the series on All Truth, which is the title of a book written by J. Eustas Mills describing the final body of truth given in scripture. As Christians,...

Fret Not

Fret Not
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February 29, 2004
Fret Not. The scripture in Psalms 37:1-8 specifies three “fret-nots” that provide us direction in how our walk should not be afflicted with stress. “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity...Rest in...

All Truth – Part 4

All Truth – Part 4
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February 22, 2004
All Truth - Part 4. This lesson is the fourth in a series based on the book “All Truth” by J. Eustas Mills which discusses how God has revealed his truth progressively throughout scripture. It also reminds us how God...

All Truth – Part 3

All Truth – Part 3
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February 15, 2004
Studies of the Scriptures, rightly divided, brings us to all truth for today. All truth is progressively revealed in the New Testament. During the Acts period we don’t see any new revelation but the continuation of what was established with...

Religion and Tradition

Religion and Tradition
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February 8, 2004
Religion and Tradition. Religion, as defined by Webster's Dictionary, is, among other things, "any specific system of belief, worship, conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy; an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices"; and...