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Those Things Believed Among Us

Those Things Believed Among Us
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September 7, 2003
Those Things Believed Among Us. Luke 1:1 (KJV) states “Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us,”. How would this apply to Christians today?...

Pleroma – Part 10

Pleroma – Part 10
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August 31, 2003
Pleroma - Part 10. There are two great themes in scripture. The first is the sead of the woman which is the promise of the Savior. The second is the emnity between the seed and the serpent. These go through...

Pleroma – Part 9

Pleroma – Part 9
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August 24, 2003
Pleroma - Part 9. The study of the Pleroma, shows that God’s purpose transcends all ages and has been revealed to us through the Scriptures. Even before the foundation of the world, God prepared the way to demonstrate His fullness...

Pleroma – Part 8

Pleroma – Part 8
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August 18, 2003
Pleroma - Part 8. The actions of man are like building sand castles on the beach in lo tide, only to perish when the sea comes back during high tide. All that mankind does perishes just like the beautiful sand...

Above All, Faith

Above All, Faith
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August 10, 2003
Above All, Faith. Ephesians 6:16 (KJV) says “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” Paul tells us that above all, we are to use the shield...

Proverbs – The Wisdom of Solomon

Proverbs – The Wisdom of Solomon
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August 3, 2003
Proverbs - The Wisdom of Solomon. The book of Proverbs is one that is a continuous treasury of wisdom. No matter how many times you read the 31 chapters, there is always something new that jumps out and gets your...

Pleroma – Part 7

Pleroma – Part 7
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July 28, 2003
Pleroma - Part 7. The previous lesson on the Pleroma introduced us to Cheribum. This lesson studies the most famous Cheribum, Lucifer. As Ezekiel 28:14-15 (KJV) tells us “Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee...

Pleroma – Part 6

Pleroma – Part 6
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July 21, 2003
Pleroma - Part 6. The fullness is what God will accomplish in the end times. In every administration of God, it ends in what appears to be outward failure but that is only to let you realize that God is...

One Way

One Way
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July 13, 2003
One Way . The lesson on July 13, 2003 is a recap of the Vacation Bible School that was held at Northside Bible Church. The theme of “One Way” was based on John 14:6 (KJV) “Jesus saith unto him, I...

Pleroma – Part 5

Pleroma – Part 5
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July 7, 2003
Pleroma - Part 5 . Pleroma speaks to the fullness of God. His fullness is used to fill various gaps in Adamic history as it pertains to His eternal purpose and will. One of these gaps is identified between Genesis...