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Resurrection – Part 4

Resurrection – Part 4
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February 9, 2003
Resurrection - Part 4. Within the Pre-Millenial view, there are three “rapture” timing theories. This consists of a pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-tribulation rapture. The most popular position for the placement of the rapture is the Pre-Tribulation view, however, this view...

The Eternal Purpose of God

The Eternal Purpose of God
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February 2, 2003
The Eternal Purpose of God. According to Ephesians 3:7-11, Gods intent is to demonstrate His wisdom to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. Further, this demonstration is according to His eternal purpose, which He accomplished in Christ Jesus...

Language and The Meaning of Words

Language and The Meaning of Words
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January 26, 2003
Language and The Meaning of Words. In Bible study as well as every day conversation, language and words portray specific meanings. We know from Matt 12:36-37 that “...every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in...

Resurrection – Part 3

Resurrection – Part 3
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January 19, 2003
The Resurrection - Part 3. Historically, their have been many theories about the resurrection. Although there has been agreement to call the resurrection of believers the “Rapture”, two major questions still cause serious debates: 1) When does it occur? and...

Resurrection – Part 2

Resurrection – Part 2
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January 12, 2003
The Resurrection - Part 2. The resurrection is so critical to the believer. By one man sin entered the world, and death by sin. Yet the second Adam, Christ, is alive and resides in heaven as the one mediator between...

Resurrection – Part 1

Resurrection – Part 1
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January 5, 2003
Resurrection - Part 1. Paul said it best, if we have hope only in this world, we are all most miserable (1 Cor 15:19). When the Sadducees approached Jesus in Mark 12:18-27, they put forth a question about “resurrection”. It...

The Rules for Success

The Rules for Success
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December 29, 2002
The Rules for Success. Most of us like to have success. We often make goals in the new year to achieve new levels of prosperity and success. Yet if we if spend our energy trying to find the secret of...

Do You Believe in Christmas?

Do You Believe in Christmas?
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December 22, 2002
Do You Believe in Christmas? What is Christmas and what does it mean to you? For those of us who are Christians, it means more than the lights, the shopping, or wrapped presents under the tree. If it were, then...

The Game of Life

The Game of Life
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December 15, 2002
The Game of Life. The nature of man is to deny his own mortality. Each one of us lives each day like there will be a tomorrow. Yet, in a moment, this can change and ones own mortality becomes apparent....

Make Full Proof of Thy Ministry

Make Full Proof of Thy Ministry
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December 8, 2002
Make Full Proof of Thy Ministry. The last letter Paul wrote was 2 Timothy for soon after he was beheaded according to church history. In the end, Paul declares he fought a good fight, and kept the faith, hence thre...