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The Last Season

The Last Season
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December 1, 2002
The Last Season. Since the terrorist attack on September 11th in America, most Christians are claiming that we are in the Last Days. However students of scripture should pause and ask “which last days are we in?” There are several...

Strive Not

Strive Not
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November 24, 2002
Strive Not. The aim of the enemy, according to2 Timothy 2:16, is to subvert the hearer and snare the believer. Yet God gives the Christian good instructions on how to deal with it as believers in Christ. The workman that...

The Pattern of Paul

The Pattern of Paul
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November 17, 2002
The Pattern of Paul. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we are reminded to be thankful. Yet we see from 2 Timothy 3:1-2, that unthankfulness is one of the attributes of the last days of this dispensation. Do you practice thankfulness?...

Shun Vain and Profane Babblings

Shun Vain and Profane Babblings
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November 10, 2002
Shun Vain and Profane Babblings. Paul takes the time to tell christians what how their walk should demonstrate godliness.. With this wisdom, we find one of the guidelines involves avoiding pofanity and things that are sacriligous and offensive to God....

Christian Conflict

Christian Conflict
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November 3, 2002
The Christian Conflict. As christians, we were once in darkness, but now we are to be light in the Lord. Therefore we are admonished to: walk as children of light. However, It’s usually much easier to “go along to get...

A Halloween Story

A Halloween Story
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October 27, 2002
A Halloween Story. This time of year, it has become a popular tradition to celebrate Halloween with the promotion of all things “scarry”. On the surface, most folks like to dress up children and have them go door to door...

Dispensations – Part 6 (final)

Dispensations – Part 6 (final)
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October 20, 2002
Dispensations - Part 6. Most Christians may know that there are 66 books in the bible with 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New. We have learned that all of those books are for our learning but...

Dispensations – Part 5

Dispensations – Part 5
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October 13, 2002
Dispensations - Part 5. Right Division is crucial to understanding scripture and the different administrations (or dispensations) of God. The lesson on 10-13-2002 continues with a series of lessons studying the seven primary dispensations in scripture and begins to describe...

Dispensations – Part 4

Dispensations – Part 4
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October 6, 2002
Dispensations Part 4 - The Mystery. Zechariah 9:9-10 is another passage that demonstrates how there are gaps in time in certain verses. Usually, it’s where the first statement made has been or is being fulfilled at the time of the...

Dispensations – Part 3

Dispensations – Part 3
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September 29, 2002
Dispensations - Part 3. 2 Timothy 2:15 is the verse that acts as the key to understanding all of scripture. In this verse, we learn of “rightly dividing the word of truth”. Right Division means to cut up scripture and...