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The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man

The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man
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July 22, 2001
The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man . The decision in Acts 16:5-10 to go west with the Word of God is the very beginning of how the western civilization has been blessed with the truth that...

Salvation is Simple

Salvation is Simple
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July 15, 2001
Salvation is simple. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world;...

Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ
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July 8, 2001
Freedom in Christ. July 4th was the celebration of Independence day in America honoring the 225th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence declaring freedom from England. Just as this day was set aside to celebrate America’s national...

Content & Context

Content & Context
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July 1, 2001
Content & Context. Two very important principles that are required for the right division of scripture. These two disciplines help put the pieces together for interpreting the events of Acts 16:1-5. The Apostle Paul circumcises Timothy yet earlier in Acts...

The Middle Wall of Partition

The Middle Wall of Partition
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June 24, 2001
The Middle Wall of Partition. The lesson on 06-24 starts with Acts 15:12,13,19, 20. It’s here the dispute was being made between the Jewish belivers and new Gentile belivers on what parts of the law they should keep. They had...

Father’s Day 2001

Father’s Day 2001
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June 17, 2001
Father’s Day. The lesson on 06-17-2001 celebrates Father’s Day in America. When God ordained the family, He created several relationships that help teach us how much God the Father loves us. The earthly father relationship is a role that teaches...

Keeping Covenants in Context

Keeping Covenants in Context
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June 10, 2001
Keeping Covenants in Context (during the Acts period). Acts 13:46 says "It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you (Israel)..." This is the thrust of the book of Acts. When the Apostle Paul...

The Obedience of Faith

The Obedience of Faith
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June 3, 2001
The Obedience of Faith. What was the Apostle Paul saying in Romans 16:26 that "is now made manifest ... for the obedience of faith"? Israel was given the responsibility of evangelizing the nations because of their potential "peculiar treasure" status....

My Gospel

My Gospel
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May 27, 2001
The lesson on 05-27 continues to study what Paul calls “ My Gospel” as mentioned in Romans 16:25-27. What was Paul trying to convey? There are 15 “gospels” in scripture and it’s very important to apply the principles of right...

That Gospel

That Gospel
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May 20, 2001
The lesson on 05-20 discusses "that gospel" which Paul identifies in Galatians 2:1-2. This gospel is one of 15 gospels mentioned in scripture. Paul wrote 14 books in the New Testament and 7 of them were delivered during the Acts...