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Mother’s Day 2001

Mother’s Day 2001
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May 13, 2001
Mother’s Day. The lesson on 05-13 celebrates Mother’s Day in America. Being a Mom is a special calling and they are often a source of comfort and encouragement. From the beginning in Genesis, the man and woman were to cleave...

Prayer in an Age of Grace

Prayer in an Age of Grace
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May 6, 2001
The lesson on 05-06 discusses Prayer in an Age of Grace. Thursday, May 3rd, was the National Day of Prayer in America. One of the fundamental privileges that a Christian has is their ability to talk to God through prayer...

Heavenly Intelligence Agency

Heavenly Intelligence Agency
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April 29, 2001
The lesson on 04-29 continues the idea of a “Heavenly Intelligence Agency” Today, there are many examples of organizations keeping secrets classified from public knowledge in order to protect very important programs. Important information is kept secret until it is...

Does God Keep Secrets?

Does God Keep Secrets?
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April 22, 2001
The lesson on 04-22 asks the question “ Does God Keep Secrets?” According to Deut 29:29 (KJV) “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for...

Spiritual Chess

Spiritual Chess
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April 15, 2001
Spiritual Chess. The lesson on 04-15 celebrates a risen Savior! The resurrection is the difference between a false hope and eternal life. If human history were likened unto a chess game, there is a clear match going on between God...

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday
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April 8, 2001
Palm Sunday. The lesson on 04-08 begins the celebration of Easter beginning with Palm Sunday. In Christ's preparation during the week, He held the last supper with his disciples, and at that table was a cup. The cup represented His...

Are You Comfortable?

Are You Comfortable?
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April 1, 2001
Are You Comfortable? Leland Maples is the guest speaker this week and presented the lesson on 04-01 which asks the question "Are You Comfortable"? Leland goes on to point out that most of the people called to do God's work...

Acts Period Epistles – Part 6 (Final)

Acts Period Epistles – Part 6 (Final)
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March 25, 2001
Acts Period Epistles - Part 6. The lesson on 03-25 finishes the series covering the Acts Period Epistles by showing the connection between Galatians and Acts. We know that all scripture is for us but not all scripture is to...

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day
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March 18, 2001
St Patrick's Day. Maewyn Succat had Good News… and it has nothing to do with good luck. On March 17, each year many people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green clothes, drinking green beer, participating in parades, dyeing rivers...

Acts Period Epistles – Part 5

Acts Period Epistles – Part 5
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March 11, 2001
Acts Period Epistles - Part 5. Understanding Acts . Some of the maintenence that goes into driving a car is easy and we do it often... like cleaning our windows, filling up with gas, or changing the oil every 3000...