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How do you handle the issues of life?

How do you handle the issues of life?
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December 10, 2000
The lesson on 12-10 begins with a scripture reading in Luke 1:26-31. How do you handle the issues of life? Christ Jesus was born in this world to die that we might live... therefore, do you fly your Christian flag...

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gifts of Christmas
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December 3, 2000
The lesson on 12-24 Christmas Eve encourages you to consider what gifts you give at Christmas. Do you get caught up in the commercialism of the season or the gift of eternal life? Is it chaotic with false feelings of...

Building a Good Foundation

Building a Good Foundation
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December 3, 2000
Building a Good Foundation. The lesson on 12-03 encourages the christian to make sure they cover the fundamentals... by building a proper foundation.A good foundation can withstand any calamity in life... whether it be an act of war or an...

Right Division – Part 5

Right Division – Part 5
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November 26, 2000
The audio lesson on 11-26 continues the series on Right Division while covering Old Testament chronology. The lesson demonstrates how God is in control no matter who is in power. In light of the confusion with the American Presidential election......

Right Division – Part 4

Right Division – Part 4
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November 19, 2000
The holiday season is here and the lesson on 11-19 continues the series on Right Division with the fourth lesson. However, this week the message challanges you to consider how thankful you are in your day to day walk with...

Right Division – Part 3

Right Division – Part 3
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November 12, 2000
The lesson of the week on 11-12 is the third in a series on Right Division expressed in 2 Tim 2:15 Man proposes but God disposes. In light of whatever happens in our walk... do we stop and priase God...

Right Division – Part 2

Right Division – Part 2
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November 5, 2000
The lesson on 11-05 is the second lesson in a series on Right Division. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart... and He shall direct thy path.” This familiar passage in Proverbs 3:5-6 sums up the principle of right...

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat
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October 29, 2000
Each year on October 31st, the doorbell rings with a familiar shout of ‘Trick or Treat’. Is this harmless fun or does it open the door to something else? Should Halloween be Hallowed? The lesson on 10-29 discusses the tradition...

Right Division – Part 1

Right Division – Part 1
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October 22, 2000
The lesson on 10-22 starts a new series on Right Division. Derek McCammon opens the series exploring the need for handling the word of God, rightly divided. If you are new to Right Division. Be sure and follow this series...

The Role of Government – Part 2

The Role of Government – Part 2
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October 15, 2000
The Role of Government - Part 2. A new Tower of Babel? This audio series studies the modern day acceptance of ancient Babel philosophy. What lesson’s should be noted from this part of history? Part 1 on 10-08 covers the...