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God Spake – Part 11

God Spake – Part 11
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December 3, 1983
The lesson on December 4, 1983 was part 11 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading from Ephesians 3:1-9 KJV "1 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, 2...

God Spake – Part 10

God Spake – Part 10
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November 27, 1983
The lesson on November 27, 1983 was part 10 in the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading in Colossians 1:25-29 KJV "25 Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is...

God Spake – Part 9

God Spake – Part 9
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November 20, 1983
The lesson on November 20, 1983 was part 9 of the "God Spake" study and opened with the scripture reading from Gal 1:11-2:9 KJV "1:11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not...

God Spake – Part 8

God Spake – Part 8
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November 13, 1983
The lesson on November 13, 1983 was part 8 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading from Luke 4:16-21 KJV "16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his...

God Spake – Part 7

God Spake – Part 7
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October 30, 1983
The lesson on October 30, 1983 was part 7 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading in 1 John 1:1-10 KJV "1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have...

God Spake – Part 6

God Spake – Part 6
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October 23, 1983
The lesson on October 23, 1983 was part 6 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading in Matthew 16:13-20 KJV "13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying,...

God Spake – Part 5

God Spake – Part 5
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October 16, 1983
The lesson on October 16, 1983 was part 5 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading in Hebrews 2:1-4 KJV "1 Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we...

God Spake – Part 4

God Spake – Part 4
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October 9, 1983
The lesson on October 9, 1983 was part 4 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading in Matthew 4:17-23 KJV "17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom...

God Spake – Part 3

God Spake – Part 3
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October 2, 1983
The lesson on October 2, 1983 was part 3 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading from Matthew 3:1-12 KJV "1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, 2...

God Spake – Part 2

God Spake – Part 2
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September 25, 1983
The lesson on September 25, 1983 was part 2 of the "God Spake" study and opened up with the scripture reading in Luke 1:5-17 KJV "5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest...