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They Just Don’t Get It – The Resurrection

They Just Don’t Get It – The Resurrection
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April 12, 2009
They Don't Get It - The Resurrection. They Don’t Get It. The lesson on April 12, 2009 celebrated the resurrection of Christ. But we learn, even though God sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and was...

The Crucifixion of Christ

The Crucifixion of Christ
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April 5, 2009
The Crucifixion of Christ - On Palm Sunday we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. Scripture reveals that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the Jews greeted him with waving palm branches,...

Romans Study – Part 8

Romans Study – Part 8
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March 30, 2009
The lesson on March 29, 2009 covers Romans 7:15-18 and continues the Romans Study audio series with this eighth lesson. There is a warfare waging and we are right in the middle of it. The scripture reading today was a...

My 50 Year Journey from Christianity to Christ

My 50 Year Journey from Christianity to Christ
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March 22, 2009
From Christianity to Christ. The lesson on March 22, 2009 was given by Dr. Sterling Lacy as the guest speaker and his lesson was entitled “My 50 Year Journey from Christianity to Christ”. Dr. Lacy started with Matthew 23:23 where...

Romans Study – Part 7

Romans Study – Part 7
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March 15, 2009
The lesson on March 15, 2009 started chapter six of Romans and the scripture reading was in verses 1-13. There is a famous quote by Benjamin Franklin that goes “Of a certainty, death and taxes will always be with us.”...

Romans Study – Part 6

Romans Study – Part 6
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March 8, 2009
The lesson on March 8, 2009 covers chapter 5 of Romans which culminates what Paul was teaching in chapter 4 that our sins have been done away with in Christ and through Christ, God can see us as acceptable because...

Romans Study – Part 5

Romans Study – Part 5
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March 1, 2009
The lesson on March 1, 2009 started with the scripture reading of Romans 4:1-8. Romans is a unique book and fundamental on doctrine. Charles Welch who wrote the books entitled “Alphabetical Analysis”, commented in volume 4 on page 115 that...

Handling the Word of God Accurately

Handling the Word of God Accurately
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February 22, 2009
Handling the Word of God Accurately . The lesson on February 22, 2009 was focused on the spirit of Right Division which comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to...

Praise and Worship

Praise and Worship
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February 15, 2009
Praise and Worship. The lesson on February 15, 2009 was given by guest teacher Leland Maples from the LOOPS Ministry based out of Odessa, Texas. Leland gives a quick update on Odessa before jumping into the lesson on praise and...

Romans Study – Part 4

Romans Study – Part 4
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February 8, 2009
A good week is a Godly week. A week where you put your trust in Him and focus on what He wants you to do. God has a plan for you and you need to focus on what His purposes...
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