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Palm Sunday. The lesson on 04-08 begins the celebration of Easter beginning with Palm Sunday. In Christ’s preparation during the week, He held the last supper with his disciples, and at that table was a cup. The cup represented His blood which was to be shed at the cross. His blood was more than just blood… it is God’s blood because Jesus was more than just a man, He is the God man and the mediator of all men as the only way of salvation. After the last supper, Jesus retired to a garden with a few of his disciples and prayed to the Father. Jesus didn’t have to die but He choose to die for us willingly, He who knew no sin ,that we might have the gift of God which is eternal life and the forgivness of sins. Let us therefore be thoughtful this week of this love and be a witness for Christ and the hope we have in Him. We need to be like David who said in Psalms 116:13 “I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord”. Click here to listen to the lesson of the week.



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