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The lesson on January 4, 2009 starts a new series in the book of Romans. Romans is such an important book that the Apostle Paul wrote. Many books have been written about this book because of its importance. In the canon, Romans follows the Gospels and the Acts because it is so important that has so many great themes in it. Romans talks about the wrath of God, the Gospel of God, it talks bout Sin and Sins, and takes us back to the covenant with Abraham at Sinai, then to back to Adam. When it takes us back to Adam, it brings us forth to the one man who destroyed sin. It talks about great dispensational distinctions between Jews and Gentiles. We learn that the Jew had the advantage because they were given to oracles of God while the gentile had nothing. Then we find that Romans talks about grace in a grand way. This lesson gives the historical background of this book.



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From the Study: Romans Study