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Stand fast in the Lord. Paul gives us a challenge to stand fast. There are two ways to stand, either stand you own way, or stand God’s way. It’s not automatic when you become saved. Standing in the Lord has got to be a relection of what God has given you to stand with. For example, Cain and Abel both took a stand, however, one was acceptable unto God and one was not. Our conduct or behavior is what precedes our stand. As we take a stand, we are to do so with one spirit, one mind, and one calling that God has set before us. Standing fast isn’t popular with the world as Noah and Job discovered. When you stand, the world will deliver abuse, yet we are to stand fast. Daniel is another example where he stood fast and purposed in his heart not to eat of the kings meat so he wouldn’t defile himself. This stand was sure to bring on the jailors wrath, yet Daniel abided faithful. God’s word is what disciplines our desire to stand. The lesson on 04-21 encourages us to put on the mind of Christ. Click here to listen now.



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