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Derek McCammon's avatar
September 2, 2001

Stand Up For God’s Word. The Apostle Paul was not a very politically correct person for wherever he went, his message cut most everyone to the heart and they usually ran him out of town or threw him in jail. Why all the fuss? Paul was standing up for the Word of God. When you stick to the scriptures and abide with the truth, the world will always have a problem with it and your popularity will suffer. In Athens, the teaching of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle had their intellectual hold on the people around Mars Hill. In Acts 17:22,23 when Paul saw the ignorant worship to the “unknown god”, he made the statement “Him do I declare unto you” because his heart was stirred up by the lost nature of the people. Secondly, instead of attacking all the idols, Paul told them about the one true God. We need to be able to do the same as well by knowing Gods word and being able to tell others about Christ out of the scriptures! Finally, Paul calls on those in Athens to repent reminding us that man needs to acknowledge his own sinful nature and need for a savior. From there, you should grow in the word and in the knowledge of Christ. The lesson finishes by showing how 1 Thessalonians ties in with Acts 17 thereby establishing the time frame and context of the Thessalonian letters. Click here to listen to the lesson on 09-02-2001.



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