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Derek McCammon's avatar
November 24, 2002

Strive Not. The aim of the enemy, according to2 Timothy 2:16, is to subvert the hearer and snare the believer. Yet God gives the Christian good instructions on how to deal with it as believers in Christ. The workman that is not ashamed has studied the scripture and practices right division. Paul also encourages Timothy to commit certain “things” to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also. What things? Don’t be ashamed of Paul’s specific ministry called “the mystery”. Further, be strong in the grace that is in Christ and recognize the completeness we have in Him. There are those who have turned away from Paul’s teaching and follow other teachings that are contrary to the word of God. These people ought to be opposed vs. striving with them. By putting on the whole armour of God, Christians are to take a stand. The lesson on 11-24-2002 studies the passage in 2 Timothy 2:14-26 and encourages Christians to “strive not” yet be a peace maker. The lesson also closes with a commentary on Thanksgiving.



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