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The lesson on March 13, 2016 was part 14 of “The Apocalypse” study.  Wayne spent time giving the context of Revelation in the revealed plan of God and how the prophets of the Old Testament were able to see the mountain tops of the future of Israel.  He also explained that they didn’t see our Age Time because that was hidden in God before the foundation of the world and wasn’t revealed until after Acts 28 to the Apostle PAul in prison.  We cannot take the prophecies and events of Revelation and import them into our age because it doesn’t apply.  The lesson explained about the 30 minutes of silence when the seventh seal was opened before seven angels started the work with the seven trumpets.  Wayne also pondered the question asking if PAul had seen these angels because he mentions them in 1 Timothy 5:21 KJV where he refers to the elect angels.  The scripture reading was from Psalms 79:8-13 KJV

“8 O remember not against us former iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us: for we are brought very low. 9 Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name’s sake. 10 Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed. 11 Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die; 12 And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord. 13 So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations.”




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From the Study: The Apocalypse