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Clark Curry's avatar
August 4, 2002

The Ministry of Paul. God has given us a sound mind by giving us a specific calling in scripture apart from the nation of Israel. This calling is called “the Mystery” and is revealed to us through the Apostle Paul. Paul’s christian ministry began after his conversion on the road to Damascus in Acts 9. At this time he was called out and given instructions to go to the Jew first, then to the Greek. As we learn through the Acts, Paul continues to “graft” in Gentiles with the Abrahmic calling and it’s not until the end of Acts in chapter 28, does Paul reveal a new calling apart from Abraham. This specific mail to the saints is called “The Mystery”. There are several mysteries in scripture, yet this mystery is disctintly unique, just like the United States Capital is unique from other state capitals. The book of Acts covers about 30 years of activity. During this timeframe, there are signs for Israel. This signs consist of tounges , healings, and miracles. However, when Israel is put on hold at the end of Acts, the administrative role of thiese signs cease, and God no longer uses them for the conversion of Israel. The lesson on 08-04-2002 covers many important truth’s in the Acts period.



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