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The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man . The decision in Acts 16:5-10 to go west with the Word of God is the very beginning of how the western civilization has been blessed with the truth that is in Christ Jesus. There are really only two religions in the word… Hinduism and it’s off springs, and the Judeo/Christian faith in it’s various denominations. The lesson on 07-22 teaches on the Sovereignty of God and the Free will of Man when looking at Acts 16:14 with a woman named Lydia. It says “who’s heart the Lord opened…”. Is this an example of Predestinantion or an example of God’s sovereignty and man’s free will? Clearly, this was the sovereignty of God in action. His sovereignty is demonstrated in His Omniscience, Divine Decision, and Foreknowledge. Lydia’s heart that was “opened” gave her an insight into God’s plan in which she freely choose to participate. Listen to the lesson of the week to learn more about the sovereignty of God and how His divine purpose is accomplished no matter what choices you make. Click here to learn more about the sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man.



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