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October 31, 2020

Hermeneutics – Part 1

The lesson on November 1, 2020 was part 1 of the “Hermeneutics” study.  In this opening lesson, Wayne provides us some insights into the word and how the Greeks believed some of the myth of Hermes in that he could quickly deliver the message between the gods having winged sandals.  We were introduced to where […]



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November 7, 2020

Hermeneutics – Part 2

The lesson on November 8, 2020 was part 2 of the “Hermeneutics” study. In this lesson we learn about figures of speech used in the Bible. Wayne refers to the book “Figures of Speech Used in the Bible” by E.W. Bullinger.  In this book and also in the appendices of the Companion Bible, it explains […]



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November 14, 2020

Hermeneutics – Part 3

The lesson on November 15, 2020 was part 3 of the “Hermeneutics” study and focused on using a Lexicon in your studies.  A lexicon compares usage of words to help determine it’s meanings.  A lexicon does not define words for every particular context but gives categorical summaries which are helpful in looking for directions of study […]



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November 21, 2020

Hermeneutics – Part 4

The lesson on November 22, 2020 was part 4 of the “Hermenuetics” study.  The focus this week was on Parables and how it is important to understand why Jesus used them and for what purpose they served.  Wayne spent the first ten minutes of this lesson to remind us of the problem we have in […]



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November 28, 2020

Hermeneutics – Part 5

The lesson on November 29, 2020 was part 5 of the “Hermeneutics” study.  This weeks focus was on Typology.  The typology in scripture are examples for us to learn.  There are many types in the testimony of Jesus Christ whereas it says in John 5:39 KJV “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye […]



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December 5, 2020

Hermeneutics – Part 6

The lesson on December 6, 2020 was part 6 of the “Hermeneutics” study.  The focus for this lesson was “Dispensational Truth”. Wayne proceeded to give a light review of what we learned in the previous lesson then proceeded to teach us the definition of the word “dispensation”.  The Greek word for dispensation is “οἰκονομία”.  We […]



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December 26, 2020

Hermeneutics – Part 7

The lesson on December 27, 2020 was part 7 of the “Hermeneutics” study and the last lesson in the series. Wayne took us through a quick review of what we previously covered before he transitioned to this lesson which was on rightly dividing the Apostle Paul’s ministries.  It is so important for proper interpretation of […]