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June 13, 2020

John’s Gospel

This study was started on June 14, 2020 and the intent is to recognize the different perspective this gospel book has verses Matthew, Mark and Luke.  John is clearly written to the Gentiles and it represents the highway ministry that is going on along side the Mystery.  In this study, you will find the calling of John 3:16 KJV is always active and will provide salvation to the one who may never understand The Mystery.  

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February 15, 2020

Right Division Snippets

Right Division Snippets are designed to look at a topic in scripture from a Right Division perspective.  These snippets are short in nature but packed with slides of compelling scriptures that point out how to view the topic in proper light of the age in which we live.  Snippets are usually published weekly but can be more or less depending on the inspired need.  You may download the videos and have fhem playing in the background of your next Bible Study meeting before you get started.  2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

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January 20, 2019

Genesis Study

This study will look at the book of Genesis in relation to our calling today.  There are so many important issues regarding doctrine in the Bible and in relation to Right Division.  In the first chapter we find it starts with creation and in the last chapter records when Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.  So much happened inbetween and this study will look at all of it.  Since there at 50 chapters in Genesis, much thought will have to be given to this study if it covers a chapter a week.  In the end, this study will look at all the important issues, give you an understanding to learn how these truths are established and fully addressing them through Right Division.  Wayne Stewart will also be learning and teaching us Hebrew with this study. 


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October 21, 2018

My Gospel

This study started on October 21, 2018 and it is taking a focus on the three places in scripture where the Apostle Paul uses this term.  This study will provide the context of these passages and help the student of scripture gain confidence about this subject through the right division of scripture.  

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July 8, 2018

Practical Lessons and Right Division

Practical lessons and Right Division is focusing on the walk we should take when being worthy of the calling Right Division makes clear to us in this post Acts 28 age.  In the previous study we looked at the post Acts timeframe and learned how the Apostle PAul revealed the Mystery of Ephesians 3:9.  Afterwards, when you read Ephesians 4:1 KJV, PAul is saying "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,". If we are to walk worthy, we must know what our calling is!  Right Division of scripture helps us understand those that are called with each calling.  Therefore in this study, Wayne will help us understand how we may walk with the calling that is active today so we may be found worthy and receive the rewards that God has prepared for us. 

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March 25, 2018

Acts 29 – Paul’s Latter Ministries and Journeys

This study looks at Paul’s latter ministries and journey(s) which would have occurred after the close of Acts and the writing of the last seven books Paul wrote before he was executed by Niro.  The goal of this study is to find evidence of Paul's fourth and perhaps a fifth missionary journey and when The Mystery was revealed to him during his journeys.  Why this study?  We need answers to some important questions:  When did the church which is his body begin? This is essentially the same as asking – when was the mystery of Eph 3:9 revealed? How many ministries can we find that are different and concurrent during Acts and after Acts? This will involve John’s gospel and letters – what was the “highways” ministry – when was it to begin? Any other ministries? How does Paul relate to these?What were Paul’s movements Acts 29?  This study will endeavor to answer these questions.

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November 26, 2017

Mid-Acts or Acts 28?

In this study, Wayne Stewart will look at the beginning of the church which we are a part of today.  The Acts provides the history of Israel and Gentiles in how they had a relationship with Jesus Christ after his death, burial and resurrection.  At what point in time did God give specific instructions to the Gentiles apart from Israel?  This study will look at this question and help you understand the significance of finding out the answer.

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January 8, 2017

The U, V and W of Right Division

This study is a follow up to the ABC's of Right Division.  The lessons in this study will take a deeper look into the basis or right division and why it is important to understand how it helps you understand scripture.  It will compare other beliefs like Preterism, and those based in covenant theology and look at some critiques of what opponents of right division object to this fundamental methodology of handling scripture accurately.

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November 29, 2015

The Apocalypse

This study looks at the book of Revelation from the perspective of Man, His Nature and Destiny which means the lessons will look at the judgments revealed in revelation as it pertains to man.  Whether or not the perspective of eternal torment for the lost is accurate as opposed to just perishing with the appropriate amount of punishment.  This study is best followed by the Man, His Nature and Destiny to provide the context of how by looking at Revelation we may expand our understanding of Man's destiny.

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October 18, 2015

Man, His Nature and Destiny

This study looks at Man, His Nature and Destiny.  It comes after the First Corinthians study which looked at the resurrection and the attributes of the resurrected body.  This study will look at why God created man, what was his purpose in the plan of God.  We will learn abut the tri-part attributes of a human with the body, soul and spirit.  Death and resurrection will be analyzed and how one might find immortality.  This study will be surely important to grow in your understanding of God's plan for you if you choose to pay attention and respond to the truth of it.

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