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January 5, 1986

The Covenants

Clifford McLainHere is an audio series covering the Covenants in scripture. It was given by Dr. Clifford McLain in 1986 near his retirement as pastor of Northside Bible Church. This audio series is one that covers the promises made by God throughout the ages as revealed in scripture. A good compliment to these audio lessons are the articles on Covenants as well as the large dispenational chart found in the Charts section.

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March 3, 1985

The Acts of the Apostles – 1985 Study

Clifford McLainHere is an audio series that Dr. McLain presented at Northside Bible Church from March 3 through December 8, 1885 on The Acts of the Apostles. This chapter by chapter study covers 32 lessons on Acts which is crucial to your understanding of right division.  This study was given after Dr. McLain published the book "Rethinking the Acts" in 1984.  Acts is such a crucial book to understand the transition of God's plan of salvation from the Jew to the Gentile.

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January 6, 1985


Clifford McLainThese lessons were taught by Dr. McLain in answer to questions about why God allows suffering.  Suffering is one of those things in life that is an instrument God uses to perfect his purposes.  Hopefully, these lessons will give enlightenment to this troubling subject.

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January 1, 1985

The New Covenant

The following is an endeavor to set forth as simply as possible what are the prominent features of the New Covenant. In doing this, the subject has been treated as though it had not been previously considered. Several scriptures, the testimony of which are most important, have been frequently quoted to the extent of repetition, but we do not feel that a complaint will be made by any sincere seeker for truth. We trust that these pages may be used to lead, not only to a clearer understanding of the New Covenant, but also to the apprehension of the truth of the Mystery which, during this present dispensation, God is desiring to make known to His saints.

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October 21, 1984

God’s Final Instructions

Clifford McLainThese lessons were taught by Dr. McLain in October, 1984. As mystery believers, we have final instructions from God Himself--actually a charge. We have a two-fold ministry—to be ministers of the reconciliation to the world, and secondly, we are to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ. Our citizenship is in the Heavenlies, but we have a dual citizenship. We are to be involved in this world but not entangled. This is a difficult task, but the reward is truly wonderful.

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May 20, 1984


This study was given by Dr. McLain from May 20, 1984 through September 16, 1984. This is one of the richest parts of scripture and demonstrates in practical ways what it means to believe. Faith is the substance or title deed of our assurance of things we hope for. Hope has not been realized yet because we are still in this dead body, but one day we shall see Him face to face. In the meantime, we have our title deed--our assurance. In this study, Dr. McLain traces the faith heroes of the past as they believed what God said to them. Each of these were faithful to what God said to them and in each case the message was different. By faith, Abel offered a better sacrifice, Noah built an ark, and Abraham went to a place which he should after receive for an inheritance and sojourned in the land of promise. As we search the scriptures, we find in Hebrews 11:1: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidencde of things not seen." and in Romans 10:17: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Christ)." 2 Timothy is Paul's final letter and God's final word to us, which makes it a very important message for believers today.

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May 6, 1984

Complexity of God

Clifford McLainThis study was presented on May 6, 1984 regarding the complexity of God.  The Apostle Paul expressed this best when he wrote in 1 Timothy 3:16  "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."  Further Paul says in Colossians 2:2b-3 "2 ... unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3  In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."  This subject matter is so big, teaching on this could never end but Dr. McLain tries to enligten us in the great subject.

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April 22, 1984

Our Hope – The Out-Resurrection

Clifford McLainDr. McLain gave this study in April, 1984 and reminded us that there is nothing new under the sun--that today as in Biblical times, people followed Epicurus, the Stoics, etc. although called by other names. Paul tells us to put away the old things and seek to know Christ more fully. The drive of his life was to "get to know Him" and to love His divine intervention. Christ was delivered for our offenses and He was raised for our justification. He is risen and seated at the right hand of God the Father and we, too, are raised and seated there with Him. Our citizenship is in the heavens.

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December 18, 1983

The Real Christmas Story

Clifford McLainThis audio study given by Clifford McLain in December of 1983 examines the traditional Christmas Story and provides insight into the true date of our Lord's birth.  It also looks at tradition and how it places the wise men at the manger but they did not show up until the baby Jesus was two years old.  Pastor McLain wrote a book about this topic and it has sold out several times.  September is a good month for this study since you will find Jesus birthday was at the end of this month on September 29th, 4 BC!

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