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September 18, 1983

God Spake

Clifford McLainThis study called "God Spake" was taught by Clifford McLain in 1983 following the "Sacred Secret" study and was based on the scriptures in Hebrews 1:1-3; 2:1-3 & Galatians 1:11,12 & Ephesians 3:1-3;7-9.  Pastor McLain in his intro for this study, explained that some years back, he read an article entitled "The Greatest Thing in the World" which was written on the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians which is the chapter on love... but Mac exclaimed that the greatest thing for him is that God spoke to humanity.  As it said in Hebrews 1:1, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake..." meaning at many different times and many different ways He spoke to man.  In times past He spoke directly to men, for instance: God spoke to Adam, Cain, Enoch, Noah, and others with Abraham.  And then He spake to the Fathers of the children of Israel... and then He spake by the Prophets... and then He spake in His Son... and then He spake by them that heard Him, and then He spake through the Apostle Paul.  Six different references to how God has spoken in the past and one remains.  God will speak again from heaven which will be the seventh time He speaks.  This study takes you through the many different times and ways God Spake.

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November 7, 1982

Sacred Secret

Clifford McLainThis study was taught by Clifford McLain in a series from 1982-1983 recorded on cassette tapes converted to digital audio for your benefit.  The Sacred Secret study includes 40 lessons and teaches about the body of truth that was given to the apostle Paul to be revealed in Ephesians to the Gentiles.  Ephesians opens with "1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: 4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved."  This sacred secret is called the "mystery" in Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:25,26 and is specifically addressed to Gentiles for faith obedience.  Listen to this study to learn about this sacred secret that has been hidden in God before the foundation of the world and how it was revealed by the Apostle Paul directly to you.

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September 5, 1982

From Egypt to Canaan

Clifford McLainThis study "From Egypt to Canaan" was given by Dr. McLain in 1982 and taught how the Nation of Israel was brought out of Egypt in the seventh month of the secular year and God established a new religious calendar in the process.  The first month of the new year corresponded to the seventh month of the calendar year, which was also known as the sacred year.  It was a picture of the fact we have a physical birth by nature and we have a spiritual birth in Christ.  Everything begins in the world and Egypt was a wonderful analogy of the world where Gods people were to be taken out of Egypt never to see it again.  This study is a great review of how God dealt with Isreal from Egypt to Canaan and is a picture of how mankind demonstrates his character towards God.

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July 18, 1982


Clifford McLainThis study on Prophecy was given by Dr. McLain in response to the popular belief during the early 1980's.  While prophecy is for those who can eat strong meat, the belief that was popular among fundamental christians, involves the rapture, the tribulation and the millenium, all in that order.  It's not so much that this is wrong, but it does not include prophecy that will happen and needs to be clarified for todays Christian so he may be properly instructed.  This study starts with truths that are not prophetic but lay the foundation for understanding the events that will unfold for us at this time.

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April 15, 1982

Crucifixion and Resurrection

Clifford McLainThis study was for Easter services in 1982 where we celebrate what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished with his death, burial and resurrection.  The crucifixion was where he bore all of our sins (plural), past, present and future.  We learn how he bore those sins and died spiritually where he was seperated from God for three hours when the sun was dark due to an eclipse.  This study is always glorious to listen to and rejoice regarding what God has accomplished in his Son for us.

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September 20, 1981

Kingdom of God

Clifford McLainHere is a comprehensive audio series studying the “Kingdom of God” and all the aspects of what it entails for the Christian today. There are 27 lessons in the series that was taught in 1981-82 and recorded on cassette tapes which have been coverted to digital format for your learning.  Much confusion has resulted from the lack of biblical understanding about “Kingdoms” in scripture because they don’t understand the different attributes of each “Kingdom” mentioned in scripture. Listen to this series to gain a greater understanding of the Kingdom of God to help your grow more mature in your Christian walk.

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January 11, 1981

1 Corinthians Study

Clifford McLainClifford McLain took everyone through a chapter by chapter study of 1 Corinthians back in 1981 and those lessons have been made available for Right Division.  In this series there are 17 lessons that were given each Sunday from January 11, 1981 to May 31, 1981.
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November 2, 1980

The Seed of the Woman

Clifford McLainThe curse and the promise of a savior (Genesis 3:14-24) shows that the message is clear in that Adam and Eve could not stand (consist) apart from Christ. “So He (God) drove out the man” (Genesis 3:14-24). The promise of the savior through the seed of the woman begins a unique battle that will be waged by Satan to destroy the savior. It begins with Cain who slew Able (Genesis 4:1-12). From there, God brought forth the next righteous line through Seth. Satan then tried to contaminate mankind with Angelic cohabitation with humans thereby tainting all of mankind except for Noah and his family. Consequently, God brought forth the flood and saved the only family left that Satan had not corrupted. After the flood, the battle continues all the way until Christ was born and grew to fulfill His ministry. The seed of the woman promised to Eve did provide the savior but it wasn’t until 4000 years later that this prophecy was fulfilled.
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January 6, 1980

The Acts of the Apostles – 1980 Study

Clifford McLainHere is an audio series that Dr. McLain presented at Northside Bible Church from January 13 through September 28, 1980 on The Acts of the Apostles. This chapter by chapter study covers 36 lessons on Acts which is crucial to your understanding of right division.  This study was given prior to Dr. McLain publishing the book "Rethinking the Acts" in 1984.  Acts is such a crucial book to understand the transition of God's plan of salvation from the Jew to the Gentile.

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April 29, 1979


Clifford McLainThese lessons were taught by Dr. McLain on various occasions during his ministry. We all wonder about what happens when we die.  Some people believe in soul sleep, others have a vague impression of what heaven is like, others reject hell as a real place, however, we as Mystery believers have a much more wonderful prospect... we shall be made manifest with Him in glory. This study teaches what happens upon physical death so we may take comfort in what happes next.
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