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January 5, 2003

Resurrection – Part 1

Resurrection – Part 1. Paul said it best, if we have hope only in this world, we are all most miserable (1 Cor 15:19). When the Sadducees approached Jesus in Mark 12:18-27, they put forth a question about “resurrection”. It was clearly stated that the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection so their question […]


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January 12, 2003

Resurrection – Part 2

The Resurrection – Part 2. The resurrection is so critical to the believer. By one man sin entered the world, and death by sin. Yet the second Adam, Christ, is alive and resides in heaven as the one mediator between God and man. In the Old Testament, Job had hope of a resurrection. Abraham is […]


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January 19, 2003

Resurrection – Part 3

The Resurrection – Part 3. Historically, their have been many theories about the resurrection. Although there has been agreement to call the resurrection of believers the “Rapture”, two major questions still cause serious debates: 1) When does it occur? and 2) Who does it involve? The timeframe for the resurrection revolves around the Day of […]


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February 9, 2003

Resurrection – Part 4

Resurrection – Part 4. Within the Pre-Millenial view, there are three “rapture” timing theories. This consists of a pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-tribulation rapture. The most popular position for the placement of the rapture is the Pre-Tribulation view, however, this view has the least scriptural support. The Pre-Tribulation believers are looking for the eminent return of […]


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February 16, 2003

Resurrection – Part 5

Resurrection – Part 5. What does our resurrection body look like? The Corinthians were skeptics as was explained in 1 Corinthians 15:35 (KJV) “But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?” These skeptics have a hard time accepting the resurrection as demonstrated in 1 Corinthians […]


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March 2, 2003

Resurrection – Part 6

Resurrection – Part 6. There are two types of people in this world: “Saints, and Aints”. In Philippians 3:7-14, the apostle Paul is addressing the Saints when discussing the status of “perfect”. We know that no one is perfect for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Yet “Saints” […]


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March 9, 2003

Resurrection – Part 7

Resurrection – Part 7 . Only on half of one verse in scripture does God give to the atheist. In Psalm 14:1 (KJV) “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God…” The fool doesn’t believe there will be a resurrection yet we know that the blessed hope of the resurrection will happen […]


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March 16, 2003

Resurrection – Part 8

Resurrection – Part 8. It’s our responsibility as Christians to approach scripture and determine how it should apply in our lives. The resurrection is one of the key topics that we should study. For example, Martha in John 11:23-24 (KJV) demonstrated her understanding of a resurrection when talking about her brother Lazarus “Jesus saith unto […]


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March 30, 2003

Resurrection – Part 9

Resurrection – Part 9. In scripture, we learn of a resurrection of an individual unto life, and a resurrection of an individual unto damnation or condemnation. It’s differences like this that should provoke us to study the word of God and compare the things that differ so we may learn more about what God has […]


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April 6, 2003

Resurrection – Part 10

Resurrection – Part 10. There are several positions taken when applying John 5:25-29 to believers. One thought is there is a resurrection of believers to life that have done good, and a resurrection of believers to damnation who have done evil. The other position does not put any believer in a position of damnation since […]