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  • How should I use this website? is organized as a library to help you study scripture rightly divided.  It starts with the Salvation section where you will learn about Eternal Life, Doctrine and the Bible.

    Next, you will find the main Library section which contains a majority of the content.  From Articles, Blogs, Charts, Lessons, Studies and Webinars.  If you need further focus, head to Study Hall where you can search for Topics with the associated content regarding that topic.  If you don’t find a topic you want to study, fill out the Topic Request form to request it be added.

    We provide you Study Aids to support your studies where you fill find our Help / FAQ page.  You will also find Other Sites in this section that are not associated with this website but are good sources of Acts 28 content.  We will be providing Comprehension Tests so you may check your understanding of scripture rightly divided.

    You may purchase publications from the Shop Section.  Our publications fall into two categories, Northside Bible Church publications and Other publications.

    Finally, on the About Menu, you can learn About Us and Our Beliefs.  You can Contact Us for any reason and we will get back to you with an answer as quickly as we can.  You will also want to sign up for our Newsletter so my be kept up to date when it gets published.


  • Is there a user guide?

    Please download and review the revision 4 user guide.

    Right Division Website Revision 4 User Guide

  • How do I download videos?

    Videos are uploaded to three hosting sources, YouTube, Rumble and Vimeo.  You will find all of the videos from our website can be downloaded from Vimeo.

  • What if I registered from your previous site?

    Your username has been imported from our previous site.  Therefore, the email address that was used when you registered is already in your profile.  Use the “Forgot my password?” option with your email account to set up a new password to gain access to your account.


  • I want to be a power student. How is the content on Right Division structured so I may best use the site for my studies?

    Great question.  This revision of was built for the power user in mind.  This site is Study driven.  Almost every lesson is part of a Study.  Studies are arranged by Teacher.  When you click on the Teacher’s name, all of the content created by that teacher is conveniently listed for you.  For example, clicking on Wayne Stewart will list all of his content.  If you go to the Library and pull up Studies, you will find a filter that lets you choose a Teacher and it will display all of their studies which you can sort from Newest to Oldest.

    Once you click into a study, the lessons will be listed for you in a way that you may easily play the audio or video for that lesson.  If you click into the lesson detail, you may download any presentation material that was used for that lesson.

    Topics are growing on this site and you may find Topics listed under Study Hall.  Topics identify specifically what you want to study and we have tagged related content that applies to that topic by content type listed below that topic when selected.  When you click into to Topics, you choose the first letter of that topic from the filter and it displays a list of all the topics starting with that letter.  For example, if you select the letter B, you will find Baptism listed with the other B topics.  Selecting Baptism will then show you all the content types relating to Baptism for you to study.



    Charts are a way to visually study the Bible.  You should review “An Overview of God’s Revealed Plan and Hidden Purpose in the Ages”. This chart lets you click into any text that is displayed on the map and explore the text on that topic.

    Once you master navigation to get around quickly, you will be on your way as a power student at


  • How do I navigate the chart “An Overview of God’s Revealed Plan and Hidden Purpose” Chart?

    This is a grand chart that is a picture of the entire Bible!  It covers from before the foundation of the world to the New Heavens and New Earth, from Alpha to Omega. It is broken up into five sections.  These sections are marked with a green square.

    You may click on the green box to review the highlights in that section.  For instance, if you hover over Section 3 green box and click on it, the chart zooms in to say “Section 3, Read this Section.”

    As opposed to reviewing these five sections, you may choose any text on the chart to explore by hovering over the text and clicking to be prompted to Explore.  For instance, hovering over Noah and clicking Explore will let you review Noah.


  • Why are Bible verse references highlighted in green? uses a plugin from the Blue Letter Bible site that highlights Bible verses in green to make them a popup of that verse.  For example, when I show 2 Timothy 2:15, it will be green and when you hover over it, it will display that verse in a popup.

    If you then click on the scripture reference, you will be take to their website and it will display that reference in their online Bible for you to further study.

  • What is the green circle icon on the lower right corner of every page on your website?

    This is the Accessibility functionality that you may choose to use to enhance your use of this site.

    On every page you will see the green circle with a stick man waiting to assist you.  If you click on the green button, you are presented an accessibility menu of options for enhancing the web page.

    Contrast option provides you four ways of converting the contrast on your web page. Invert Colors, Dark Contrast, Light Contrast, or Desaturate.  Try each one to see how it looks.  Once you find one you like you may stay with it.

    Highlight Links option does just that.  It highlights links on your page, so they stick out visually.

    Bigger Text option lets you control the size of your fonts on the pages.  It adjusts the default setting to your preference.  There are four increases available to increase your font sizes.

    Text Spacing allows you to control the spacing on your web pages.  The options are Light Spacing, Moderate Spacing, and Heavy Spacing.

    Pause Animations option will pause animations on your web page.

    Dyslexia Friendly option lets you choose between Dyslexia Font, which is a typeface for people with dyslexia, or Legible Fonts.

    Cursor option allows you to change your cursor to Big, Add a Reading Mask or a Reading Guide.

    Tooltips will turn on pop tips for any tools that have them.

    Line Height will let you increase spacing 1.5x, 1.75x, or 2.0x.

    Text Align option will let you align text left, right, center, or full justify.

    There is a Reset All button and Move/Hide option as well.